For the TV program Team Scheire we got contacted bij the hospital ZNA (Koning Paolo Kinderziekenhuis) in Antwerp. They had a lot of small children entering the operation quarters with a lot of stress and fears, and noticed difficulties creating an environment where the kids had an easy time sleeping in. Rapid breathing and stressed parents had a negative impact on the efficiency of the tranquilising gasses. The main issue was the way the rooms appeared. These where new environments with daunting machinery and sterile white walls, combined with the lack of distractions from what was about to happen.
We constructed a way to automatically map an interactive video on the walls and ceilings of the OKs (operating rooms), in order to project two different environments (space and underwater) that would both distract the child and put it at easy, letting wonder have the upper hand over fear.
In openframeworks, I created an application that would automatically run when the installation was started up. It woudl scan for markers and adjust the projections based on these, calculating the position of the projector based on these markers.